Sunday, March 17, 2013

OSU's sensational faculty reach out to VIT students

These "man on the street" vignettes are some of my favorites so far about our fantastic OSU faculty and administrators on this trip. 
Cricket, anyone?
President Hargis plays cricket with VIT students

After meetings with VIT administration on Saturday, March 16th, our faculty made it real and fun with the VIT students.  During the campus tour, Dr. Tikalsky asked to stop the bus when he saw tons of students playing cricket at the university "playground." President Hargis, Drs. Tikalsky, Woods, Rajamani, Kakani & OSU alum MVL Prasad debarked and asked if they could play cricket with the kids.  Each of them took a swing or two with the bat, and a couple of them connected & even scored! Dr. Kakani bowled a couple as well.  The students thought this was just great, and felt really free to talk to our faculty face to face. Well-played, I say!

Dr. Henneberry
At Home with Dr. Henneberry
Meanwhile, Dr. Shida Henneberry walked through campus with our kind aide from REVA, Nagendhra. Dr. Henneberry walked into one of the girl's hostels (dorms) and visited with several students.  They invited her to see their dorm rooms, and asked her about US grad education.  She reports there was true exchange and much laughter.  Nagendhra, had to wait outside, as men are not allowed in the women's dorms.  Thanks, Nag!

Dr. Kakani with VIT students
Ag & Engineering Show
VIT Campus coffee shop menu
In another part of campus, thirsty cricketers went for a coffee on campus.  Drs. Tikalsky & Kakani and OSU alum MVL Prasad set up a talk-show set outside the coffee shop. As soon as Mr. Prasad invited the first student to sit down and talk with Tikalsky & Kakani, the kids lined up! Mr. Prasad & Dean Tikalsky repeated the scenario at a campus bus stop on the way back from dinner later that night. What a creative and spontaneous way to connect with future recruits.

Our stay at VIT was really the best connection we have had with students. We also made connections with a Massachussets General Hospital/MIT/Harvard group that was also at VIT for a conclave on entrepreneurial creativity in the health field. 

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