Saturday, March 16, 2013

catching up from Vellore Institute of Technology

Hey & Howdy from Katpandi, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu state India!

We had SUCH a busy schedule in Hyderabad, then left at O dark thirty for the flight from Hyderabad for Bengaluru on Thursday 3/13.

Bangalore is a garden city with gracious green  boulevards and lovely gardens. LOTS of traffic there too! Where as the majority of Autos aka tuktuk or auto rickshaws were yellow with black roofs in Hyderabad, in Bengaluru they were yellow with green tops.

We visited REVA  Group of Institutions, which is just now becoming a full university.  We were greeted in full style of the state of Karnataka with silk hats and wooden malas (leis).  The campus is quite new, and the buildings are of light grey granite and marble, which make made the campus seem spacious and cool. It is mainly residential and has hostels (dormitories) for about 5000 of the 6000 students. There are REVA busses that run throughout the city area to bring the other students to campus.

Ann, Amulya, Mary, Namruta, Julie
Two REVA students, Amulya & Namruta, were our guides for shopping at the state's handcrafts store & bazaar.  They were very helpful and great fun! That was the first time we made a pedestrian crossing in the busy traffic.  Yikes. When Namruta and Amulya graduate in April, they will wear beautiful saris for the occasion.  Most kids were dressed western or ladies in kurti & leggings (tunics). Saris are common everywhere though, from women ditch diggers, sanitation workers to homemakers to business women.

That night the Raju family treated us to an exceptional modern India evening on the rooftop in downtown...we had drinks outdoors in the Sky Bar the lighting was all blue, and dinner at their Tower Kitchen.  It was breezy and the ladies' shawls were all billowing in the wind. I felt like Marilyn Monroe.

Tikalskys at Sky Bar in Bengaluru
We also visited Wipro companies campus, where OSU alum hall of famer Sridhar Mitta
was Chief Technology officer. This was soooo interesting and cool! It is a big self-contained campus like Google or Pixar. We learned about Wipro's founder, Azim Premji and his foundation's good work to promote educational training for engineering professors and campuses, which is innovative here.  The foundation is also working in K-10 education all around India to make it available widely and effectively. It was so exciting to see that company's desire to take action to change the world.

Next to PES Institute which is also just recognized as a university! Two Texas A&M alums  are running that university, and it is going great guns.

Next post will be about Vellore and general reflections so far.  Off to run around the real-est India we have seen. Will post again tomorrow!

I have not had good wireless access recently, so photos haven't been uploaded to this site or "OSU CEAT" Thanks for your patience!

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