Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17th-Road to Chennai

On the way to Chennai on Sunday we took in some sights.  Dipping our toes in the Bay of Bengal was a real thrill.  I have now been in all three major oceans. I am skipping the Arctic for now. When I do get there, I don't think I'll be dipping any toes in...might lose them.

Cowgirls Ann Hargis, Shida Henneberry, Julie Tikalsky, Mary Woods--toes in the Bay of Bengal!
Gopal Kakani at the Bay of Bengal "Go 'Pokes!"
Bay of Bengal baptizes Mike & Mary Woods

fresh grilled calamari-local spices
Lunch at Fisherman's Cove al fresco was a welcome moment of relaxation in our busy busy schedules. Catches of the day were calamari, snapper, lobster, tiger prawns. Local spice on the fresh catches was the choice of most, and it was incredibly delectable!

Ann & Burns Hargis @ Mamallapuram
Tikalskys at Shore Temple, Mamallapuram
We went to Mamallapuram or Mahabalipuram, a UNESCO world heritage site. This collection of monolithic creations of boulders is unbelievable. We visited the shore shrine, dedicated to Vishnu and Shiva. There are shrines, huge carved animals, frescos. The winding road through the village leads you to the other bas-reliefs and temples in this ancient port city from the 7th century. It was built by the Pallava kings. The village in Kanchipuram district is still a major site for rock sculpture of all sizes.


  1. You drove right past our home. We live just off the ECR about 8km north of Fisherman's Cove. We stayed for 3 weeks at Fisherman's Cove when we first moved here. Looks like you are having fun.
