Thursday, March 21, 2013

At the center of it all in New Delhi, India

In New Delhi, we are somehow right at the hub of news, though we are not the news.  New Delhi/Old Delhi is the largest city in the world. We are staying at the center of it all, at the ITC Maurya.  In this hotel since we arrived on 3/18 evening:

  • Egyptian President Morsi and his delegation; 
  • some Ministers from Zimbabwe; 
  • an evening unveiling the new book "The Test of My Life" by Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh (this was the headline on Wednesday);
  • the Australian and Indian cricket teams staying here during their test match;
  •  cricket fans seeking autographs and photos; and 
  • various Indian politicians and their cadres. 
Professor Gopal Kakani, a true cricket fan, has scored several autographs and an autographed copy of Vuvraj Singh's book.  He is happy! MVL Prasad, OSU '83, was chagrined when he found out he asked one cricket star in the elevator, "So, do you play cricket?"

The Hargis' did NOT find the Egyptian staffers and security detail very chatty in the elevators! I on the other hand, was able to get a little more out of a few of them, when I pulled the fellow Presidential advance staffer card on them.

Dr. Shida Henneberry has run into a good friend from San Francisco here in the hotel. It's small world after all!

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